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Announcing tRPC v11

6 min read
The tRPC Team

Although tRPC v11 has been production-ready for a long time via the @next tag, we've gotten kinda addicted to adding new features without being sticklers to semantic versioning. Today, we're excited to finally be ripping off the band-aid and announcing the official release of tRPC v11!

Introducing the new TanStack React Query integration

3 min read
Julius Marminge
tRPC Core Team Member
Nick Lucas
tRPC Core Team Member

We are excited to announce the new TanStack React Query integration for tRPC is now available on tRPC's next-release. Compared to our classic React Query Integration it's simpler and more TanStack Query-native, choosing to utilize the QueryOptions and MutationOptions interfaces native to TanStack React Query, instead of wrapping useQuery and useMutation with our own client.

Using Server Actions with tRPC

9 min read
Julius Marminge
tRPC Core Team Member

The builder-pattern for creating procedures which was introduced in tRPC v10 has been massively appreciated by the community, and many libraries have adopted similar patterns. There's even been coined a term tRPC like XYZ as evidence of the growing popularity of this pattern. In fact, the other day I saw someone wondering if there was a way to write CLI applications with a similar API to tRPC. Sidenote, you can even use tRPC directly to do this. But that's not what we're here to talk about today, we're going to talk about how to use tRPC with server actions from Next.js.

Writing a tiny tRPC client

12 min read
Julius Marminge
tRPC Core Team Member

Ever wondered how tRPC works? Maybe you want to start contributing to the project but you're frightened by the internals? The aim of this post is to familiarize you with the internals of tRPC by writing a minimal client that covers the big parts of how tRPC works.

TypeScript performance lessons while refactoring for v10

9 min read
Sachin Raja
Sachin Raja
tRPC Core Team Member (alumni)

As library authors, our goal is to provide the best possible developer experience (DX) for our peers. Reducing time-to-error and providing intuitive APIs removes mental overhead from the minds of developers so that they can focus on what's most important: great end user experience.

Announcing tRPC v10

4 min read
Alex / KATT 馃惐
Creator of tRPC

tRPC provides a great developer experience by enforcing tight, full-stack type bindings through the power of TypeScript. No API contract drift, no code generation.

Introducing tRPC

5 min read
Alex / KATT 馃惐
Creator of tRPC

tRPC gives you end-to-end type safety from your (node-)server to your client, without even declaring types. All you do on the backend is that you return data in a function and on the frontend you use said data based on the endpoint name.