TypeScript performance lessons while refactoring for v10
As library authors, our goal is to provide the best possible developer experience (DX) for our peers. Reducing time-to-error and providing intuitive APIs removes mental overhead from the minds of developers so that they can focus on what's most important: great end user experience.
It's no secret that TypeScript is the driving force behind how tRPC ships its amazing DX. TypeScript adoption is the modern standard in delivering great JavaScript-based experiences today - but this improved certainty around types does have some tradeoffs.
Today, the TypeScript type checker is prone to becoming slow (although releases like TS 4.9 are promising!). Libraries almost always contain the fanciest TypeScript incantations in your codebase, pressing your TS compiler to its limits. For this reason, library authors like us must be mindful of our contributions to that burden and do our best to keep your IDE working as fast as possible.
Automating library performance
While tRPC was in v9
, we began seeing reports from developers that their large tRPC routers were starting to have detrimental effects on their type checker. This was a new experience for tRPC as we saw tremendous adoption during the v9
phase of tRPC's development. With more developers creating larger and larger products with tRPC, some cracks began to show.
Your library may not be slow now, but it's important to keep an eye on performance as your library grows and changes. Automated testing can remove an immense burden from your library authoring (and application building!) by programmatically testing your library code on each commit.
For tRPC, we do our best to ensure this by generating and testing a router with 3,500 procedures and 1,000 routers. But this only tests how far we can push the TS compiler before it breaks and not how long type-checking takes. We test all three pieces of the library (server, vanilla client, and the React client) because they all have different code paths. In the past, we have seen regressions that are isolated to one section of the library and rely on our tests to show us when those unexpected behaviors occur. (We still do want to do more to measure compilation times)
tRPC is not a runtime-heavy library so our performance metrics are centered around type-checking. Therefore, we stay mindful of:
- Being slow to type-check using
- Having a large initial load time
- If the TypeScript language server takes a long time to respond to changes
The last point is one that the tRPC must pay attention to the most. You never want to your developers to have to wait for the language server to update after a change. This is where tRPC must maintain performance so that you can enjoy great DX.
How I found performance opportunities in tRPC
There is always a tradeoff between TypeScript accuracy and compiler performance. Both are important concerns for other developers so we must be extremely conscious of how we write types. Will it be possible for an application to run into severe errors because a certain type is "too loose"? Is the performance gain worth it?
Is there even going to be a meaningful performance gain at all? Great question.
Let's have a look at how to find moments for performance improvements in TypeScript code. We'll visit the process I went through to create PR #2716, resulting in a 59% decrease in TS compilation time.
TypeScript has a built-in tracing tool that can help you find the bottleneck in your types. It's not perfect, but it's the best tool available.
It's ideal to test your library on a real-world app to simulate what your library is doing for real developers. For tRPC, I created a basic T3 app resembling what many of our users work with.
Here's the steps I followed to trace tRPC:
Locally link the library to the example app. This is so you can change your library code and immediately test changes locally.
Run this command in the example app:
shtsc --generateTrace ./trace --incremental falseshtsc --generateTrace ./trace --incremental false -
You'll be given a
file on your machine. You can open that file in a trace analysis app (I use Perfetto) orchrome://tracing
This is where things get interesting and we can start to learn about the performance profile of the types in the application. Here's what the first trace looked like:
A longer bar means more time spent performing that process. I've selected the top green bar for this screenshot, indicating that src/pages/index.ts
is the bottleneck. Under the Duration
field, you'll see that it took 332ms - an enormous amount of time to spend type-checking! The blue checkVariableDeclaration
bar tells us the compiler spent most of its time on one variable.
Clicking on that bar will tell us which one it is:
field reveals the position of the variable in the file's text. Going to that position in src/pages/index.ts
reveals that the culprit is utils = trpc.useContext()
But how could this be? We're just using a simple hook! Let's look at the code:
import type { AppRouter } from '~/server/trpc';const trpc = createTRPCReact<AppRouter>();const Home: NextPage = () => {const { data } = trpc.r0.greeting.useQuery({ who: 'from tRPC' });const utils = trpc.useContext();utils.r49.greeting.invalidate();};export default Home;
import type { AppRouter } from '~/server/trpc';const trpc = createTRPCReact<AppRouter>();const Home: NextPage = () => {const { data } = trpc.r0.greeting.useQuery({ who: 'from tRPC' });const utils = trpc.useContext();utils.r49.greeting.invalidate();};export default Home;
Okay, not much to see here. We only see a single useContext
and a query invalidation. Nothing that should be TypeScript heavy at face value, indicating that the problem must be deeper in the stack. Let's look at the types behind this variable:
type DecorateProcedure<TRouter extends AnyRouter,TProcedure extends Procedure<any>,TProcedure extends AnyQueryProcedure,> = {/*** @see https://tanstack.com/query/v4/docs/framework/react/guides/query-invalidation*/invalidate(input?: inferProcedureInput<TProcedure>,filters?: InvalidateQueryFilters,options?: InvalidateOptions,): Promise<void>;// ... and so on for all the other React Query utilities};export type DecoratedProcedureUtilsRecord<TRouter extends AnyRouter> =OmitNeverKeys<{[TKey in keyof TRouter['_def']['record']]: TRouter['_def']['record'][TKey] extends LegacyV9ProcedureTag? never: TRouter['_def']['record'][TKey] extends AnyRouter? DecoratedProcedureUtilsRecord<TRouter['_def']['record'][TKey]>: TRouter['_def']['record'][TKey] extends AnyQueryProcedure? DecorateProcedure<TRouter, TRouter['_def']['record'][TKey]>: never;}>;
type DecorateProcedure<TRouter extends AnyRouter,TProcedure extends Procedure<any>,TProcedure extends AnyQueryProcedure,> = {/*** @see https://tanstack.com/query/v4/docs/framework/react/guides/query-invalidation*/invalidate(input?: inferProcedureInput<TProcedure>,filters?: InvalidateQueryFilters,options?: InvalidateOptions,): Promise<void>;// ... and so on for all the other React Query utilities};export type DecoratedProcedureUtilsRecord<TRouter extends AnyRouter> =OmitNeverKeys<{[TKey in keyof TRouter['_def']['record']]: TRouter['_def']['record'][TKey] extends LegacyV9ProcedureTag? never: TRouter['_def']['record'][TKey] extends AnyRouter? DecoratedProcedureUtilsRecord<TRouter['_def']['record'][TKey]>: TRouter['_def']['record'][TKey] extends AnyQueryProcedure? DecorateProcedure<TRouter, TRouter['_def']['record'][TKey]>: never;}>;
Okay, now we have some things to unpack and learn about. Let's figure out what this code is doing first.
We have a recursive type DecoratedProcedureUtilsRecord
that walks through all the procedures in the router and "decorates" (adds methods to) them with React Query utilities like invalidateQueries
In tRPC v10 we still support old v9
routers, but v10
clients cannot call procedures from v9
routers. So for each procedure we check if it's a v9
procedure (extends LegacyV9ProcedureTag
) and strip it out if so. It's all a lot of work for TypeScript to do...if it's not lazily evaluated.
Lazy evaluation
The problem here is that TypeScript is evaluating all of this code in the type system, even though it's not used immediately. Our code is only using utils.r49.greeting.invalidate
so TypeScript should only need to unwrap the r49
property (a router), then the greeting
property (a procedure), and finally the invalidate
function for that procedure. No other types are needed in that code and immediately finding the type for every React Query utility method for all your tRPC procedures would unnecessarily slow TypeScript down. TypeScript defers type evaluation of properties on objects until they are directly used, so theoretically our type above should get lazy evaluation...right?
Well, it's not exactly an object. There's actually a type wrapping the entire thing: OmitNeverKeys
. This type is a utility that removes keys that have the value never
from an object. This is the part where we strip off the v9 procedures so those properties don't show up in Intellisense.
But this creates a huge performance issue. We forced TypeScript to evaluate the values of all types now to check if they are never
How can we fix this? Let's change our types to do less.
Get lazy
We need to find a way for the v10
API to adapt to the legacy v9
routers more gracefully. New tRPC projects should not suffer from the reduced TypeScript performance of interop mode.
The idea is to rearrange the core types themselves. v9
procedures are different entities than v10
procedures so they shouldn't share the same space in our library code. On the tRPC server side, this means we had some work to do to store the types on different fields in the router instead of a single record
field (see the DecoratedProcedureUtilsRecord
from above).
We made a change so v9
routers inject their procedures into a legacy
field when they are converted to v10
Old types:
export type V10Router<TProcedureRecord> = {record: TProcedureRecord;};// convert a v9 interop router to a v10 routerexport type MigrateV9Router<TV9Router extends V9Router> = V10Router<{[TKey in keyof TV9Router['procedures']]: MigrateProcedure<TV9Router['procedures'][TKey]> &LegacyV9ProcedureTag;}>;
export type V10Router<TProcedureRecord> = {record: TProcedureRecord;};// convert a v9 interop router to a v10 routerexport type MigrateV9Router<TV9Router extends V9Router> = V10Router<{[TKey in keyof TV9Router['procedures']]: MigrateProcedure<TV9Router['procedures'][TKey]> &LegacyV9ProcedureTag;}>;
If you recall the DecoratedProcedureUtilsRecord
type above, you can see that we attached LegacyV9ProcedureTag
here to differentiate between v9
and v10
procedures on the type level and enforce that v9
procedures are not called from v10
New types:
export type V10Router<TProcedureRecord> = {record: TProcedureRecord;// by default, no legacy procedureslegacy: {};};export type MigrateV9Router<TV9Router extends V9Router> = {// v9 routers inject their procedures into a `legacy` fieldlegacy: {// v9 clients require that we filter queries, mutations, subscriptions at the top-levelqueries: MigrateProcedureRecord<TV9Router['queries']>;mutations: MigrateProcedureRecord<TV9Router['mutations']>;subscriptions: MigrateProcedureRecord<TV9Router['subscriptions']>;};} & V10Router</* empty object, v9 routers have no v10 procedures to pass */ {}>;
export type V10Router<TProcedureRecord> = {record: TProcedureRecord;// by default, no legacy procedureslegacy: {};};export type MigrateV9Router<TV9Router extends V9Router> = {// v9 routers inject their procedures into a `legacy` fieldlegacy: {// v9 clients require that we filter queries, mutations, subscriptions at the top-levelqueries: MigrateProcedureRecord<TV9Router['queries']>;mutations: MigrateProcedureRecord<TV9Router['mutations']>;subscriptions: MigrateProcedureRecord<TV9Router['subscriptions']>;};} & V10Router</* empty object, v9 routers have no v10 procedures to pass */ {}>;
Now, we can remove OmitNeverKeys
because the procedures are pre-sorted so a router's record
property type will contain all the v10
procedures and its legacy
property type will contain all the v9
procedures. We no longer force TypeScript to fully evaluate the huge DecoratedProcedureUtilsRecord
type. We can also remove the filtering forv9
procedures with LegacyV9ProcedureTag
Did it work?
Our new trace shows that the bottleneck has been removed:
A substantial improvement! Type-checking time went from 332ms to 136ms 🤯! This may not seem like much in the big picture but it's a huge win. 200ms is a small amount once - but think about:
- how many other TS libraries are in a project
- how many developers are using tRPC today
- how many times their types re-evaluate in a work session
That's a lot of 200ms adding up to a very big number.
We're always looking for more opportunities to improve the experience of TypeScript developers, whether it's with tRPC or a TS-based problem to solve in another project. @ me on Twitter if you want to talk TypeScript.
Thanks to Anthony Shew for helping write this post and to Alex for reviewing!