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Version: 11.x

WebSocket Link

wsLink is a terminating link that's used when using tRPC's WebSockets Client and Subscriptions, which you can learn more about here).


To use wsLink, you need to pass it a TRPCWebSocketClient, which you can create with createWSClient:

import { createTRPCClient, createWSClient, wsLink } from '@trpc/client';
import type { AppRouter } from '../server';
const wsClient = createWSClient({
url: 'ws://localhost:3000',
const trpcClient = createTRPCClient<AppRouter>({
links: [wsLink<AppRouter>({ client: wsClient })],
import { createTRPCClient, createWSClient, wsLink } from '@trpc/client';
import type { AppRouter } from '../server';
const wsClient = createWSClient({
url: 'ws://localhost:3000',
const trpcClient = createTRPCClient<AppRouter>({
links: [wsLink<AppRouter>({ client: wsClient })],

Authentication / Connection params

See more here

The wsLink function requires a TRPCWebSocketClient to be passed, which can be configured with the fields defined in WebSocketClientOptions:

export interface WebSocketLinkOptions {
client: TRPCWebSocketClient;
* Data transformer
* @see
transformer?: DataTransformerOptions;
function createWSClient(opts: WebSocketClientOptions) => TRPCWebSocketClient
export interface WebSocketClientOptions {
* The URL to connect to (can be a function that returns a URL)
url: string | (() => MaybePromise<string>);
* Connection params that are available in `createContext()`
* These are sent as the first message
connectionParams: string | (() => MaybePromise<string>);
* Ponyfill which WebSocket implementation to use
WebSocket?: typeof WebSocket;
* The number of milliseconds before a reconnect is attempted.
* @default {@link exponentialBackoff}
retryDelayMs?: typeof exponentialBackoff;
* Triggered when a WebSocket connection is established
onOpen?: () => void;
* Triggered when a WebSocket connection encounters an error
onError?: (evt?: Event) => void;
* Triggered when a WebSocket connection is closed
onClose?: (cause?: { code?: number }) => void;
* Lazy mode will close the WebSocket automatically after a period of inactivity (no messages sent or received and no pending requests)
lazy?: {
* Enable lazy mode
* @default false
enabled: boolean;
* Close the WebSocket after this many milliseconds
* @default 0
closeMs: number;
* Send ping messages to the server and kill the connection if no pong message is returned
keepAlive?: {
* @default false
enabled: boolean;
* Send a ping message every this many milliseconds
* @default 5_000
intervalMs?: number;
* Close the WebSocket after this many milliseconds if the server does not respond
* @default 1_000
pongTimeoutMs?: number;
export interface WebSocketLinkOptions {
client: TRPCWebSocketClient;
* Data transformer
* @see
transformer?: DataTransformerOptions;
function createWSClient(opts: WebSocketClientOptions) => TRPCWebSocketClient
export interface WebSocketClientOptions {
* The URL to connect to (can be a function that returns a URL)
url: string | (() => MaybePromise<string>);
* Connection params that are available in `createContext()`
* These are sent as the first message
connectionParams: string | (() => MaybePromise<string>);
* Ponyfill which WebSocket implementation to use
WebSocket?: typeof WebSocket;
* The number of milliseconds before a reconnect is attempted.
* @default {@link exponentialBackoff}
retryDelayMs?: typeof exponentialBackoff;
* Triggered when a WebSocket connection is established
onOpen?: () => void;
* Triggered when a WebSocket connection encounters an error
onError?: (evt?: Event) => void;
* Triggered when a WebSocket connection is closed
onClose?: (cause?: { code?: number }) => void;
* Lazy mode will close the WebSocket automatically after a period of inactivity (no messages sent or received and no pending requests)
lazy?: {
* Enable lazy mode
* @default false
enabled: boolean;
* Close the WebSocket after this many milliseconds
* @default 0
closeMs: number;
* Send ping messages to the server and kill the connection if no pong message is returned
keepAlive?: {
* @default false
enabled: boolean;
* Send a ping message every this many milliseconds
* @default 5_000
intervalMs?: number;
* Close the WebSocket after this many milliseconds if the server does not respond
* @default 1_000
pongTimeoutMs?: number;


You can check out the source code for this link on GitHub.