TanStack React Query
Compared to our classic React Query Integration this client is simpler and more TanStack Query-native, providing factories for common TanStack React Query interfaces like QueryKeys, QueryOptions, and MutationOptions. We think it's the future and recommend using this over the classic client, read the announcement post for more information about this change.
Quick example query
import { useQuery } from '@tanstack/react-query';import { useTRPC } from './trpc';function Users() {const trpc = useTRPC();const greetingQuery = useQuery(trpc.greeting.queryOptions({ name: 'Jerry' }));// greetingQuery.data === 'Hello Jerry'}
import { useQuery } from '@tanstack/react-query';import { useTRPC } from './trpc';function Users() {const trpc = useTRPC();const greetingQuery = useQuery(trpc.greeting.queryOptions({ name: 'Jerry' }));// greetingQuery.data === 'Hello Jerry'}
The philosophy of this client is to provide thin and type-safe factories which work natively and type-safely with Tanstack React Query. This means just by following the autocompletes the client gives you, you can focus on building just with the knowledge the TanStack React Query docs provide.
export default function Basics() {const trpc = useTRPC();const queryClient = useQueryClient();// Create QueryOptions which can be passed to query hooksconst myQueryOptions = trpc.path.to.query.queryOptions({ /** inputs */ })const myQuery = useQuery(myQueryOptions)// or:// useSuspenseQuery(myQueryOptions)// useInfiniteQuery(myQueryOptions)// Create MutationOptions which can be passed to useMutationconst myMutationOptions = trpc.path.to.mutation.mutationOptions()const myMutation = useMutation(myMutationOptions)// Create a QueryKey which can be used to manipulated many methods// on TanStack's QueryClient in a type-safe mannerconst myQueryKey = trpc.path.to.query.queryKey()const invalidateMyQueryKey = () => {queryClient.invalidateQueries({ queryKey: myQueryKey })}return (// Your app here)}
export default function Basics() {const trpc = useTRPC();const queryClient = useQueryClient();// Create QueryOptions which can be passed to query hooksconst myQueryOptions = trpc.path.to.query.queryOptions({ /** inputs */ })const myQuery = useQuery(myQueryOptions)// or:// useSuspenseQuery(myQueryOptions)// useInfiniteQuery(myQueryOptions)// Create MutationOptions which can be passed to useMutationconst myMutationOptions = trpc.path.to.mutation.mutationOptions()const myMutation = useMutation(myMutationOptions)// Create a QueryKey which can be used to manipulated many methods// on TanStack's QueryClient in a type-safe mannerconst myQueryKey = trpc.path.to.query.queryKey()const invalidateMyQueryKey = () => {queryClient.invalidateQueries({ queryKey: myQueryKey })}return (// Your app here)}
The trpc
object is fully type-safe and will provide autocompletes for all the procedures in your AppRouter
. At the end of the proxy, the following methods are available:
- querying data
Available for all query procedures. Provides a type-safe wrapper around Tanstack's queryOptions
function. The first argument is the input for the procedure, and the second argument accepts any native Tanstack React Query options.
const queryOptions = trpc.path.to.query.queryOptions({/** input */},{// Any Tanstack React Query optionsstateTime: 1000,},);
const queryOptions = trpc.path.to.query.queryOptions({/** input */},{// Any Tanstack React Query optionsstateTime: 1000,},);
You can additionally provide a trpc
object to the queryOptions
function to provide tRPC request options to the client.
const queryOptions = trpc.path.to.query.queryOptions({/** input */},{trpc: {// Provide tRPC request options to the clientcontext: {// see https://trpc.io/docs/client/links#managing-context},},},);
const queryOptions = trpc.path.to.query.queryOptions({/** input */},{trpc: {// Provide tRPC request options to the clientcontext: {// see https://trpc.io/docs/client/links#managing-context},},},);
The result can be passed to useQuery
or useSuspenseQuery
hooks or query client methods like fetchQuery
, prefetchQuery
, prefetchInfiniteQuery
, invalidateQueries
, etc.
- querying infinite data
Available for all query procedures that takes a cursor input. Provides a type-safe wrapper around Tanstack's infiniteQueryOptions
function. The first argument is the input for the procedure, and the second argument accepts any native Tanstack React Query options.
const infiniteQueryOptions = trpc.path.to.query.infiniteQueryOptions({/** input */},{// Any Tanstack React Query optionsgetNextPageParam: (lastPage, pages) => lastPage.nextCursor,},);
const infiniteQueryOptions = trpc.path.to.query.infiniteQueryOptions({/** input */},{// Any Tanstack React Query optionsgetNextPageParam: (lastPage, pages) => lastPage.nextCursor,},);
- getting the query key and performing operations on the query client
Available for all query procedures. Allows you to access the query key in a type-safe manner.
const queryKey = trpc.path.to.query.queryKey();
const queryKey = trpc.path.to.query.queryKey();
Since Tanstack React Query uses fuzzy matching for query keys, you can also create a partial query key for any sub-path to match all queries belonging to a router:
const queryKey = trpc.router.pathKey();
const queryKey = trpc.router.pathKey();
Or even the root path to match all tRPC queries:
const queryKey = trpc.pathKey();
const queryKey = trpc.pathKey();
- creating query filters
Available for all query procedures. Allows creating query filters in a type-safe manner.
const queryFilter = trpc.path.to.query.queryFilter({/** input */},{// Any Tanstack React Query filterpredicate: (query) => {query.state.data;},},);
const queryFilter = trpc.path.to.query.queryFilter({/** input */},{// Any Tanstack React Query filterpredicate: (query) => {query.state.data;},},);
Like with query keys, if you want to run a filter across a whole router you can use pathFilter
to target any sub-path.
const queryFilter = trpc.path.pathFilter({// Any Tanstack React Query filterpredicate: (query) => {query.state.data;},});
const queryFilter = trpc.path.pathFilter({// Any Tanstack React Query filterpredicate: (query) => {query.state.data;},});
Useful for creating filters that can be passed to client methods like queryClient.invalidateQueries
- creating mutation options
Available for all mutation procedures. Provides a type-safe identify function for constructing options that can be passed to useMutation
const mutationOptions = trpc.path.to.mutation.mutationOptions({// Any Tanstack React Query optionsonSuccess: (data) => {// do something with the data},});
const mutationOptions = trpc.path.to.mutation.mutationOptions({// Any Tanstack React Query optionsonSuccess: (data) => {// do something with the data},});
- getting the mutation key
Available for all mutation procedures. Allows you to get the mutation key in a type-safe manner.
const mutationKey = trpc.path.to.mutation.mutationKey();
const mutationKey = trpc.path.to.mutation.mutationKey();
- creating subscription options
TanStack does not provide a subscription hook, so we continue to expose our own abstraction here which works with a standard tRPC subscription setup.
Available for all subscription procedures. Provides a type-safe identify function for constructing options that can be passed to useSubscription
Note that you need to have either the httpSubscriptionLink
or wsLink
configured in your tRPC client to use subscriptions.
function SubscriptionExample() {const trpc = useTRPC();const subscription = useSubscription(trpc.path.to.subscription.subscriptionOptions({/** input */},{enabled: true,onStarted: () => {// do something when the subscription is started},onData: (data) => {// you can handle the data here},onError: (error) => {// you can handle the error here},onConnectionStateChange: (state) => {// you can handle the connection state here},},),);// Or you can handle the state heresubscription.data; // The lastly received datasubscription.error; // The lastly received error/*** The current status of the subscription.* Will be one of: `'idle'`, `'connecting'`, `'pending'`, or `'error'`.** - `idle`: subscription is disabled or ended* - `connecting`: trying to establish a connection* - `pending`: connected to the server, receiving data* - `error`: an error occurred and the subscription is stopped*/subscription.status;// Reset the subscription (if you have an error etc)subscription.reset();return <>{/* ... */}</>;}
function SubscriptionExample() {const trpc = useTRPC();const subscription = useSubscription(trpc.path.to.subscription.subscriptionOptions({/** input */},{enabled: true,onStarted: () => {// do something when the subscription is started},onData: (data) => {// you can handle the data here},onError: (error) => {// you can handle the error here},onConnectionStateChange: (state) => {// you can handle the connection state here},},),);// Or you can handle the state heresubscription.data; // The lastly received datasubscription.error; // The lastly received error/*** The current status of the subscription.* Will be one of: `'idle'`, `'connecting'`, `'pending'`, or `'error'`.** - `idle`: subscription is disabled or ended* - `connecting`: trying to establish a connection* - `pending`: connected to the server, receiving data* - `error`: an error occurred and the subscription is stopped*/subscription.status;// Reset the subscription (if you have an error etc)subscription.reset();return <>{/* ... */}</>;}
Inferring Input and Output types
When you need to infer the input and output types for a procedure or router, there are 2 options available depending on the situation.
Infer the input and output types of a full router
import type { inferRouterInputs, inferRouterOutputs } from '@trpc/server';import { AppRouter } from './path/to/server';export type Inputs = inferRouterInputs<AppRouter>;export type Outputs = inferRouterOutputs<AppRouter>;
import type { inferRouterInputs, inferRouterOutputs } from '@trpc/server';import { AppRouter } from './path/to/server';export type Inputs = inferRouterInputs<AppRouter>;export type Outputs = inferRouterOutputs<AppRouter>;
Infer types for a single procedure
import type { inferInput, inferOutput } from '@trpc/tanstack-react-query';function Component() {const trpc = useTRPC();type Input = inferInput<typeof trpc.path.to.procedure>;type Output = inferOutput<typeof trpc.path.to.procedure>;}
import type { inferInput, inferOutput } from '@trpc/tanstack-react-query';function Component() {const trpc = useTRPC();type Input = inferInput<typeof trpc.path.to.procedure>;type Output = inferOutput<typeof trpc.path.to.procedure>;}
Accessing the tRPC client
If you used the setup with React Context, you can access the tRPC client using the useTRPCClient
import { useTRPCClient } from './trpc';function Component() {const trpcClient = useTRPCClient();const result = await trpcClient.path.to.procedure.query({/** input */});}
import { useTRPCClient } from './trpc';function Component() {const trpcClient = useTRPCClient();const result = await trpcClient.path.to.procedure.query({/** input */});}
If you setup without React Context, you can import the global client instance directly instead.
import { client } from './trpc';const result = await client.path.to.procedure.query({/** input */});
import { client } from './trpc';const result = await client.path.to.procedure.query({/** input */});