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Version: 11.x

Migrate from v10 to v11


This is a current work in progress representing version 11.

  • The functionality is stable and can be used in production, but we may do small breaking API-changes between patches until we reach 11.0.0
  • The packages are published with the next-tag on npm

Installation / upgrading

npm install @trpc/server@next @trpc/client@next @trpc/react-query@next @trpc/next@next @tanstack/react-query@latest @tanstack/react-query-devtools@latest

Reverse-chronological changelog

This is a draft document. It will be updated to a proper guide as we get closer to the v11 release. The only major thing that will incur work for you is that you will need to do is to update TanStack Query to v5.0.0.

See retryLink - allows you to retry failed operations

useSubscription improvements (non-breaking)

  • When subscribing to procedures using the useSubscription hook it will now return information about the status of the subscription and the connection.
  • Ability to have a ponyfill when using httpSubscriptionLink

Subscription procedure output type changed to AsyncGenerator (non-breaking)

If you've used subscriptions with async generators with the v11, this might be breaking with how you infer your types.


We changed the inferred output from:

input: __INPUT__;
output: __OUTPUT__;
input: __INPUT__;
output: __OUTPUT__;


input: __INPUT__;
output: AsyncGenerator<__OUTPUT__, void, unknown>;
input: __INPUT__;
output: AsyncGenerator<__OUTPUT__, void, unknown>;

If you need to infer the value you can use a helper like the below:

type inferAsyncIterableYield<TOutput> = TOutput extends AsyncGenerator<
infer $Yield
? $Yield
: never;
type inferAsyncIterableYield<TOutput> = TOutput extends AsyncGenerator<
infer $Yield
? $Yield
: never;

This change has been made to ensure the library remains compatible with future updates and allows for the use of the return type in subscriptions' AsyncGenerators.

See subscriptions docs for more information.

Added support for output validators in subscriptions (non-breaking)

See subscriptions docs for more information.

Deprecation of subscriptions returning Observables (non-breaking)

We now support returning async generator function for subscriptions and we previously added a httpSubscriptionLink.

To see how to use async generator functions for subscriptions see the subscriptions docs.

Removal of AbortControllerEsque-ponyfill (rarely breaking)

We have removed the AbortControllerEsque-ponyfill from tRPC, if you need to support older browsers you can use a polyfill like abortcontroller-polyfill.

Support for Server-sent events (SSE) (non-breaking)

We now support SSE for subscriptions, this means that you don't need to spin up a WebSocket server to get real-time updates in your application & that the client can automatically reconnect and resume if the connection is lost.

👉 See more in the httpSubscriptionLink docs.

Support for streaming responses over HTTP (non-breaking)

We now support streaming mutations and queries using the httpBatchStreamLink.

This means that query and mutation resolvers can either be AsyncGenerators with yield or return promises that can be deferred for later and you can use stream responses over HTTP, without using WebSockets.

We want your feedback on this feature, so please try it out and let us know what you think in the 🎏-rfc-streaming-channel on our Discord!

👉 See more in the httpBatchStreamLink docs

resolveHTTPRequest has been replaced by resolveRequest that uses Fetch APIs (rarely breaking)

The function resolveHTTPRequest has been replaced by resolveRequest which uses the Fetch API - Request/Response.

This is a breaking change for HTTP-adapters, but should not affect you as a user.

If you're building an adapter, check out how our adapters work in the code and don't be a stranger to ask for help in our Discord.

TRPCRequestInfo has been updated (rarely breaking)

Inputs are now materialised lazily when required by the procedure, which means the input and procedure type is no longer available when tRPC calls createContext.

You can still access the input by calling info.calls[index].getRawInput().

All the experimental form-data support has been replaced (rarely breaking)

This only affects you if you used the experimental formdata features

  • experimental_formDataLink - use httpLink
  • experimental_parseMultipartFormData - not needed anymore
  • experimental_isMultipartFormDataRequest - not needed anymore
  • experimental_composeUploadHandlers - not needed anymore
  • experimental_createMemoryUploadHandler - not needed anymore
  • experimental_NodeOnDiskFile and experimental_createFileUploadHandler - not supported in this first release, open an issue if you need to hold data on disk
  • experimental_contentTypeHandlers - not needed anymore, but could come back if needed by the community for novel data types

You can see the new approach in examples/next-formdata

Moved Procedure._def._output_in / Procedure._def._input_in to Procedure._def.$types (non-breaking)

This is a breaking change for tRPC internals, but should not affect you as a user.

You don't have to do anything, unless you're using Procedure._def._output_in or Procedure._def._input_in directly in your code.

Explicit Content-Type checks (non-breaking)

We now have explicit checks for the Content-Type-header when doing POST-requests. This means that if you send a request with a Content-Type that doesn't match the expected one, you will get a 415 Unsupported Media Type-error.

Our tRPC clients already sends content-type headers, so is only a potential breaking change if you call tRPC manually.

Added support for method overriding (rarely breaking)

Allows you to override the HTTP method for procedures to always be sent with POST in order to get around some limitations with e.g. max URL lengths.

Closes #3910

Added support for bi-directional infinite queries (non-breaking)

See useInfiniteQuery()

Added inferProcedureBuilderResolverOptions<T>-helper (non-breaking)

Adds a helper to infer the options for a procedure builder resolver. This is useful if you want to create reusable functions for different procedures.

See test here for a reference on how to use it

TypeScript will guide you through this migration

Only applies if you use data transformers.

You now setup data transformers in the links-array instead of when you initialize the tRPC-client;

Wherever you have a HTTP Link you have to add transformer: superjson if you use transformers:

url: '/api/trpc',
transformer: superjson, // <-- add this
url: '/api/trpc',
transformer: superjson, // <-- add this
// [..]
transformer: superjson, // <-- add this
// [..]
transformer: superjson, // <-- add this

@trpc/next ssr mode now requires a prepass helper with ssr: true (rarely breaking)

This is to fix where react-dom was imported regardless if you were using this functionality or not.

See SSR docs

Added support for short-hand router definitions (non-breaking)

See Merging routers

const appRouter = router({
// Shorthand plain object for creating a sub-router
nested1: {
proc: publicProcedure.query(() => '...'),
// Equivalent of:
nested2: router({
proc: publicProcedure.query(() => '...'),
const appRouter = router({
// Shorthand plain object for creating a sub-router
nested1: {
proc: publicProcedure.query(() => '...'),
// Equivalent of:
nested2: router({
proc: publicProcedure.query(() => '...'),

Deleted inferHandlerInput<T> and ProcedureArgs<T> (non-breaking for most)

If these types mean nothing for you or your codebase, just ignore this

Use inferProcedureInput<TProcedure> instead & TRPCProcedureOptions instead

Added useSuspenseQueries()

See useSuspenseQueries

Refactor internal generics (rarely breaking)

We have refactored our internal generics and made them more readable (TODO: link procedure builder sauce)

React is now >=18.2.0 (rarely breaking)

Check their migration guide:

NodeJS 18+ and Modern Browsers are now required (rarely breaking)

We have added usage of FormData, File, Blob, and ReadableStream. NodeJS 18 is now required, though these have been supported by browsers for many years now.

  • Ability to pass a Promise in the url-callback if servers switch location during deploys
  • Added new lazy option that makes the websocket automatically disconnect when there are no pending requests

rawInput in middleware is now a getRawInput (rarely breaking)

While we're not doing anything differently internally (just yet) this is help support a much requested feature in tRPC: content types other than JSON.

Simplified types and .d.ts outputs

Procedures in your router now only emit their input & output - where before they would also contain the full context object for every procedure, leading to unnecessary complexity in e.g. .d.ts.

React Query peerDep is now v5 (breaking)

Check their migration guide:

Exports names AbcProxyXyz has been renamed to AbcXyz (non-breaking)

The proxy names were due to v9 using the AbcXyz names, these have been removed and the proxy ones have been renamed to the non-proxy names, e.g:

  • createTRPCClient was deprecated from v9, and is now completely removed. The createTRPCProxyClient has been renamed to createTRPCClient instead. createTRPCProxyClient is now marked as deprecated.

SSG Helpers (rarely breaking)

  • createSSGHelpers were for v9 which has now been removed. the v10 equivalent createProxySSGHelpers have been renamed to createSSGHelpers now instead.
  • createProxySSGHelpers is now deprecated but aliased to createSSGHelpers for backwards compatibility.
  • Removed exported type CreateSSGHelpersOptions

interop-mode has been removed (rarely breaking)

We have removed the interop-mode from tRPC. This was a mode that allowed you to have an easy transition period from v9 to v10. This mode was never meant to be supported long-term and we have now removed it.