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Version: 11.x



Subscriptions are a type of real-time event stream between the client and server. Use subscriptions when you need to push real-time updates to the client.

With tRPC's subscriptions, the client establishes and maintains a persistent connection to the server plus automatically attempts to reconnect and recover gracefully if disconnected with the help of tracked() events.

WebSockets or Server-sent Events?

You can either use WebSockets or Server-sent Events (SSE) to setup real-time subscriptions in tRPC.

If you are unsure which one to use, we recommend using SSE for subscriptions as it's easier to setup and don't require setting up a WebSocket server.

Reference projects

TypeExample TypeLink
WebSocketsBare-minimum Node.js WebSockets example/examples/standalone-server
SSEFull-stack SSE
WebSocketsFull-stack WebSockets

Basic example


For a full example, see our full-stack SSE example.

import { initTRPC } from '@trpc/server';
const t = initTRPC.create();
const ee = new EventEmitter();
export const appRouter = router({
onPostAdd: publicProcedure.subscription(async function* (opts) {
// listen for new events
for await (const [data] of on(ee, 'add', {
// Passing the AbortSignal from the request automatically cancels the event emitter when the request is aborted
signal: opts.signal,
})) {
const post = data as Post;
yield post;
import { initTRPC } from '@trpc/server';
const t = initTRPC.create();
const ee = new EventEmitter();
export const appRouter = router({
onPostAdd: publicProcedure.subscription(async function* (opts) {
// listen for new events
for await (const [data] of on(ee, 'add', {
// Passing the AbortSignal from the request automatically cancels the event emitter when the request is aborted
signal: opts.signal,
})) {
const post = data as Post;
yield post;

Automatic tracking of id using tracked() (recommended)

If you yield an event using our tracked()-helper and include an id, the client will automatically reconnect when it gets disconnected and send the last known ID.

You can send an initial lastEventId when initializing the subscription and it will be automatically updated as the browser receives data.

  • For SSE, this is part of the EventSource-spec and will be propagated through lastEventId in your .input().
  • For WebSockets, our wsLink will automatically send the last known ID and update it as the browser receives data.

If you're fetching data based on the lastEventId, and capturing all events is critical, make sure you setup the event listener before fetching events from your database as is done in our full-stack SSE example, this can prevent newly emitted events being ignored while yield'ing the original batch based on lastEventId.

import EventEmitter, { on } from 'events';
import type { Post } from '@prisma/client';
import { tracked } from '@trpc/server';
import { z } from 'zod';
import { publicProcedure, router } from '../trpc';
const ee = new EventEmitter();
export const subRouter = router({
onPostAdd: publicProcedure
// lastEventId is the last event id that the client has received
// On the first call, it will be whatever was passed in the initial setup
// If the client reconnects, it will be the last event id that the client received
lastEventId: z.string().nullish(),
.subscription(async function* (opts) {
// We start by subscribing to the ee so that we don't miss any new events while fetching
const iterable = ee.toIterable('add', {
// Passing the AbortSignal from the request automatically cancels the event emitter when the request is aborted
signal: opts.signal,
if (opts.input.lastEventId) {
// [...] get the posts since the last event id and yield them
// const items = await{ ... })
// for (const item of items) {
// yield tracked(, item);
// }
// listen for new events
for await (const [data] of on(ee, 'add', {
signal: opts.signal,
})) {
const post = data as Post;
// tracking the post id ensures the client can reconnect at any time and get the latest events this id
yield tracked(, post);
import EventEmitter, { on } from 'events';
import type { Post } from '@prisma/client';
import { tracked } from '@trpc/server';
import { z } from 'zod';
import { publicProcedure, router } from '../trpc';
const ee = new EventEmitter();
export const subRouter = router({
onPostAdd: publicProcedure
// lastEventId is the last event id that the client has received
// On the first call, it will be whatever was passed in the initial setup
// If the client reconnects, it will be the last event id that the client received
lastEventId: z.string().nullish(),
.subscription(async function* (opts) {
// We start by subscribing to the ee so that we don't miss any new events while fetching
const iterable = ee.toIterable('add', {
// Passing the AbortSignal from the request automatically cancels the event emitter when the request is aborted
signal: opts.signal,
if (opts.input.lastEventId) {
// [...] get the posts since the last event id and yield them
// const items = await{ ... })
// for (const item of items) {
// yield tracked(, item);
// }
// listen for new events
for await (const [data] of on(ee, 'add', {
signal: opts.signal,
})) {
const post = data as Post;
// tracking the post id ensures the client can reconnect at any time and get the latest events this id
yield tracked(, post);

Stopping a subscription from the server

If you need to stop a subscription from the server, simply return in the generator function.

import { publicProcedure, router } from '../trpc';
export const subRouter = router({
onPostAdd: publicProcedure
lastEventId: z.string().coerce.number().min(0).optional(),
.subscription(async function* (opts) {
let index = opts.input.lastEventId ?? 0;
while (true) {
const idx = index++;
if (idx > 100) {
// With this, the subscription will stop and the client will disconnect
await new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(resolve, 10));
import { publicProcedure, router } from '../trpc';
export const subRouter = router({
onPostAdd: publicProcedure
lastEventId: z.string().coerce.number().min(0).optional(),
.subscription(async function* (opts) {
let index = opts.input.lastEventId ?? 0;
while (true) {
const idx = index++;
if (idx > 100) {
// With this, the subscription will stop and the client will disconnect
await new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(resolve, 10));

On the client, you just .unsubscribe() the subscription.

Cleanup of side effects

If you need to clean up any side-effects of your subscription you can use the try...finally pattern, as trpc invokes the .return() of the Generator Instance when the subscription stops for any reason.

import EventEmitter, { on } from 'events';
import type { Post } from '@prisma/client';
import { z } from 'zod';
import { publicProcedure, router } from '../trpc';
const ee = new EventEmitter();
export const subRouter = router({
onPostAdd: publicProcedure.subscription(async function* (opts) {
let timeout;
try {
for await (const [data] of on(ee, 'add', {
signal: opts.signal,
})) {
timeout = setTimeout(() => console.log('Pretend like this is useful'));
const post = data as Post;
yield post;
} finally {
if (timeout) clearTimeout(timeout);
import EventEmitter, { on } from 'events';
import type { Post } from '@prisma/client';
import { z } from 'zod';
import { publicProcedure, router } from '../trpc';
const ee = new EventEmitter();
export const subRouter = router({
onPostAdd: publicProcedure.subscription(async function* (opts) {
let timeout;
try {
for await (const [data] of on(ee, 'add', {
signal: opts.signal,
})) {
timeout = setTimeout(() => console.log('Pretend like this is useful'));
const post = data as Post;
yield post;
} finally {
if (timeout) clearTimeout(timeout);

Error handling

Throwing an error in a generator function propagates to trpc's onError() on the backend.

If the error thrown is a 5xx error, the client will automatically attempt to reconnect based on the last event id that is tracked using tracked(). For other errors, the subscription will be cancelled and propagate to the onError() callback.

Output validation

Since subscriptions are async iterators, you have to go through the iterator to validate the output.

Example with zod

import type { TrackedEnvelope } from '@trpc/server';
import { isTrackedEnvelope, tracked } from '@trpc/server';
import { z } from 'zod';
function isAsyncIterable<TValue, TReturn = unknown>(
value: unknown,
): value is AsyncIterable<TValue, TReturn> {
return !!value && typeof value === 'object' && Symbol.asyncIterator in value;
const trackedEnvelopeSchema =
* A Zod schema helper designed specifically for validating async iterables. This schema ensures that:
* 1. The value being validated is an async iterable.
* 2. Each item yielded by the async iterable conforms to a specified type.
* 3. The return value of the async iterable, if any, also conforms to a specified type.
export function zAsyncIterable<
TReturnIn = void,
TReturnOut = void,
Tracked extends boolean = false,
>(opts: {
* Validate the value yielded by the async generator
yield: z.ZodType<TYieldIn, any, TYieldOut>;
* Validate the return value of the async generator
* @remark not applicable for subscriptions
return?: z.ZodType<TReturnIn, any, TReturnOut>;
* Whether if the yielded values are tracked
* @remark only applicable for subscriptions
tracked?: Tracked;
}) {
return z
Tracked extends true ? TrackedEnvelope<TYieldIn> : TYieldIn,
>((val) => isAsyncIterable(val))
.transform(async function* (iter) {
const iterator = iter[Symbol.asyncIterator]();
try {
let next;
while ((next = await && !next.done) {
if (opts.tracked) {
const [id, data] = trackedEnvelopeSchema.parse(next.value);
yield tracked(id, await opts.yield.parseAsync(data));
yield opts.yield.parseAsync(next.value);
if (opts.return) {
return await opts.return.parseAsync(next.value);
} finally {
await iterator.return?.();
}) as z.ZodType<
Tracked extends true ? TrackedEnvelope<TYieldIn> : TYieldIn,
Tracked extends true ? TrackedEnvelope<TYieldOut> : TYieldOut,
import type { TrackedEnvelope } from '@trpc/server';
import { isTrackedEnvelope, tracked } from '@trpc/server';
import { z } from 'zod';
function isAsyncIterable<TValue, TReturn = unknown>(
value: unknown,
): value is AsyncIterable<TValue, TReturn> {
return !!value && typeof value === 'object' && Symbol.asyncIterator in value;
const trackedEnvelopeSchema =
* A Zod schema helper designed specifically for validating async iterables. This schema ensures that:
* 1. The value being validated is an async iterable.
* 2. Each item yielded by the async iterable conforms to a specified type.
* 3. The return value of the async iterable, if any, also conforms to a specified type.
export function zAsyncIterable<
TReturnIn = void,
TReturnOut = void,
Tracked extends boolean = false,
>(opts: {
* Validate the value yielded by the async generator
yield: z.ZodType<TYieldIn, any, TYieldOut>;
* Validate the return value of the async generator
* @remark not applicable for subscriptions
return?: z.ZodType<TReturnIn, any, TReturnOut>;
* Whether if the yielded values are tracked
* @remark only applicable for subscriptions
tracked?: Tracked;
}) {
return z
Tracked extends true ? TrackedEnvelope<TYieldIn> : TYieldIn,
>((val) => isAsyncIterable(val))
.transform(async function* (iter) {
const iterator = iter[Symbol.asyncIterator]();
try {
let next;
while ((next = await && !next.done) {
if (opts.tracked) {
const [id, data] = trackedEnvelopeSchema.parse(next.value);
yield tracked(id, await opts.yield.parseAsync(data));
yield opts.yield.parseAsync(next.value);
if (opts.return) {
return await opts.return.parseAsync(next.value);
} finally {
await iterator.return?.();
}) as z.ZodType<
Tracked extends true ? TrackedEnvelope<TYieldIn> : TYieldIn,
Tracked extends true ? TrackedEnvelope<TYieldOut> : TYieldOut,

Now you can use this helper to validate the output of your subscription procedures:

import { publicProcedure, router } from '../trpc';
import { zAsyncIterable } from './zAsyncIterable';
export const appRouter = router({
mySubscription: publicProcedure
lastEventId: z.coerce.number().min(0).optional(),
yield: z.object({
count: z.number(),
tracked: true,
.subscription(async function* (opts) {
let index = opts.input.lastEventId ?? 0;
while (true) {
yield tracked(index, {
count: index,
await new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(resolve, 1000));
import { publicProcedure, router } from '../trpc';
import { zAsyncIterable } from './zAsyncIterable';
export const appRouter = router({
mySubscription: publicProcedure
lastEventId: z.coerce.number().min(0).optional(),
yield: z.object({
count: z.number(),
tracked: true,
.subscription(async function* (opts) {
let index = opts.input.lastEventId ?? 0;
while (true) {
yield tracked(index, {
count: index,
await new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(resolve, 1000));