You can use WebSockets for all or some of the communication with your server, see wsLink for how to set it up on the client.
The document here outlines the specific details of using WebSockets. For general usage of subscriptions, see our subscriptions guide.
Creating a WebSocket-server
yarn add ws
yarn add ws
import { applyWSSHandler } from '@trpc/server/adapters/ws';import ws from 'ws';import { appRouter } from './routers/app';import { createContext } from './trpc';const wss = new ws.Server({port: 3001,});const handler = applyWSSHandler({wss,router: appRouter,createContext,// Enable heartbeat messages to keep connection open (disabled by default)keepAlive: {enabled: true,// server ping message interval in millisecondspingMs: 30000,// connection is terminated if pong message is not received in this many millisecondspongWaitMs: 5000,},});wss.on('connection', (ws) => {console.log(`➕➕ Connection (${wss.clients.size})`);ws.once('close', () => {console.log(`➖➖ Connection (${wss.clients.size})`);});});console.log('✅ WebSocket Server listening on ws://localhost:3001');process.on('SIGTERM', () => {console.log('SIGTERM');handler.broadcastReconnectNotification();wss.close();});
import { applyWSSHandler } from '@trpc/server/adapters/ws';import ws from 'ws';import { appRouter } from './routers/app';import { createContext } from './trpc';const wss = new ws.Server({port: 3001,});const handler = applyWSSHandler({wss,router: appRouter,createContext,// Enable heartbeat messages to keep connection open (disabled by default)keepAlive: {enabled: true,// server ping message interval in millisecondspingMs: 30000,// connection is terminated if pong message is not received in this many millisecondspongWaitMs: 5000,},});wss.on('connection', (ws) => {console.log(`➕➕ Connection (${wss.clients.size})`);ws.once('close', () => {console.log(`➖➖ Connection (${wss.clients.size})`);});});console.log('✅ WebSocket Server listening on ws://localhost:3001');process.on('SIGTERM', () => {console.log('SIGTERM');handler.broadcastReconnectNotification();wss.close();});
Setting TRPCClient
to use WebSockets
You can use Links to route queries and/or mutations to HTTP transport and subscriptions over WebSockets.
import { createTRPCClient, createWSClient, wsLink } from '@trpc/client';import type { AppRouter } from '../path/to/server/trpc';// create persistent WebSocket connectionconst wsClient = createWSClient({url: `ws://localhost:3001`,});// configure TRPCClient to use WebSockets transportconst client = createTRPCClient<AppRouter>({links: [wsLink({client: wsClient,}),],});
import { createTRPCClient, createWSClient, wsLink } from '@trpc/client';import type { AppRouter } from '../path/to/server/trpc';// create persistent WebSocket connectionconst wsClient = createWSClient({url: `ws://localhost:3001`,});// configure TRPCClient to use WebSockets transportconst client = createTRPCClient<AppRouter>({links: [wsLink({client: wsClient,}),],});
Authentication / connection params
If you're doing a web application, you can ignore this section as the cookies are sent as part of the request.
In order to authenticate with WebSockets, you can define connectionParams
to createWSClient
. This will be sent as the first message when the client establishes a WebSocket connection.
import type {CreateWSSContextFnOptions } from '@trpc/server/adapters/ws';export constcreateContext = async (opts :CreateWSSContextFnOptions ) => {consttoken =opts .info .connectionParams ?.token ;// [... authenticate]return {};};export typeContext =Awaited <ReturnType <typeofcreateContext >>;
import type {CreateWSSContextFnOptions } from '@trpc/server/adapters/ws';export constcreateContext = async (opts :CreateWSSContextFnOptions ) => {consttoken =opts .info .connectionParams ?.token ;// [... authenticate]return {};};export typeContext =Awaited <ReturnType <typeofcreateContext >>;
import { createTRPCClient, createWSClient, wsLink } from '@trpc/client';import type { AppRouter } from '~/server/routers/_app';const wsClient = createWSClient({url: `ws://localhost:3000`,connectionParams: async () => {return {token: 'supersecret',};},});export const trpc = createTRPCClient<AppRouter>({links: [wsLink({ client: wsClient, transformer: superjson })],});
import { createTRPCClient, createWSClient, wsLink } from '@trpc/client';import type { AppRouter } from '~/server/routers/_app';const wsClient = createWSClient({url: `ws://localhost:3000`,connectionParams: async () => {return {token: 'supersecret',};},});export const trpc = createTRPCClient<AppRouter>({links: [wsLink({ client: wsClient, transformer: superjson })],});
Automatic tracking of id using tracked()
If you yield
an event using our tracked()
-helper and include an id
, the client will automatically reconnect when it gets disconnected and send the last known ID when reconnecting as part of the lastEventId
You can send an initial lastEventId
when initializing the subscription and it will be automatically updated as the browser receives data.
If you're fetching data based on the lastEventId
, and capturing all events is critical, you may want to use ReadableStream
's or a similar pattern as an intermediary as is done in our full-stack SSE example to prevent newly emitted events being ignored while yield'ing the original batch based on lastEventId
import EventEmitter, { on } from 'events';import { tracked } from '@trpc/server';import { z } from 'zod';import { publicProcedure, router } from '../trpc';const ee = new EventEmitter();export const subRouter = router({onPostAdd: publicProcedure.input(z.object({// lastEventId is the last event id that the client has received// On the first call, it will be whatever was passed in the initial setup// If the client reconnects, it will be the last event id that the client receivedlastEventId: z.string().nullish(),}).optional(),).subscription(async function* (opts) {if (opts.input.lastEventId) {// [...] get the posts since the last event id and yield them}// listen for new eventsfor await (const [data] of on(ee, 'add'), {// Passing the AbortSignal from the request automatically cancels the event emitter when the subscription is abortedsignal: opts.signal,}) {const post = data as Post;// tracking the post id ensures the client can reconnect at any time and get the latest events this idyield tracked(post.id, post);}}),});
import EventEmitter, { on } from 'events';import { tracked } from '@trpc/server';import { z } from 'zod';import { publicProcedure, router } from '../trpc';const ee = new EventEmitter();export const subRouter = router({onPostAdd: publicProcedure.input(z.object({// lastEventId is the last event id that the client has received// On the first call, it will be whatever was passed in the initial setup// If the client reconnects, it will be the last event id that the client receivedlastEventId: z.string().nullish(),}).optional(),).subscription(async function* (opts) {if (opts.input.lastEventId) {// [...] get the posts since the last event id and yield them}// listen for new eventsfor await (const [data] of on(ee, 'add'), {// Passing the AbortSignal from the request automatically cancels the event emitter when the subscription is abortedsignal: opts.signal,}) {const post = data as Post;// tracking the post id ensures the client can reconnect at any time and get the latest events this idyield tracked(post.id, post);}}),});
WebSockets RPC Specification
You can read more details by drilling into the TypeScript definitions:
/ mutation
{id: number | string;jsonrpc?: '2.0'; // optionalmethod: 'query' | 'mutation';params: {path: string;input?: unknown; // <-- pass input of procedure, serialized by transformer};}
{id: number | string;jsonrpc?: '2.0'; // optionalmethod: 'query' | 'mutation';params: {path: string;input?: unknown; // <-- pass input of procedure, serialized by transformer};}
... below, or an error.
{id: number | string;jsonrpc?: '2.0'; // only defined if included in requestresult: {type: 'data'; // always 'data' for mutation / queriesdata: TOutput; // output from procedure}}
{id: number | string;jsonrpc?: '2.0'; // only defined if included in requestresult: {type: 'data'; // always 'data' for mutation / queriesdata: TOutput; // output from procedure}}
/ subscription.stop
Start a subscription
{id: number | string;jsonrpc?: '2.0';method: 'subscription';params: {path: string;input?: unknown; // <-- pass input of procedure, serialized by transformer};}
{id: number | string;jsonrpc?: '2.0';method: 'subscription';params: {path: string;input?: unknown; // <-- pass input of procedure, serialized by transformer};}
To cancel a subscription, call subscription.stop
{id: number | string; // <-- id of your created subscriptionjsonrpc?: '2.0';method: 'subscription.stop';}
{id: number | string; // <-- id of your created subscriptionjsonrpc?: '2.0';method: 'subscription.stop';}
Subscription response shape
... below, or an error.
{id: number | string;jsonrpc?: '2.0';result: (| {type: 'data';data: TData; // subscription emitted data}| {type: 'started'; // subscription started}| {type: 'stopped'; // subscription stopped})}
{id: number | string;jsonrpc?: '2.0';result: (| {type: 'data';data: TData; // subscription emitted data}| {type: 'started'; // subscription started}| {type: 'stopped'; // subscription stopped})}
Connection params
If the connection is initialized with ?connectionParams=1
, the first message has to be connection params.
{data: Record<string, string> | null;method: 'connectionParams';}
{data: Record<string, string> | null;method: 'connectionParams';}
See https://www.jsonrpc.org/specification#error_object or Error Formatting.
Notifications from Server to Client
{ id: null, type: 'reconnect' }
Tells clients to reconnect before shutting down the server. Invoked by wssHandler.broadcastReconnectNotification()